Modes of perception

There are three modes of thought associated with the function of the two hemispheres of the brain. The first is associated with the left hemisphere of the brain and is called logical or analytical way of thinking. The second one is connected with the work of the right hemisphere and is called heuristic or intuitive. The third mode is connected with the harmonious functioning of both hemispheres simultaneously and is called Direct knowledge. 

Logical thinking

is connected with the personality and its history. By accumulating knowledge, person acquires information, using it, the person gains experience and then experience proceeds to shape personal history. Logical thinking compares the current situation with the accumulated experience and builds behavior based on it. That is, it helps to build a line of behavior in already known situations and does not help if the new situation arises.

The main problem is that people confuse experience and knowledge. If a person was told about a situation or read about it, then this is just information, not a personal story. Only after having received personal experience, can a person use it in the chains of logical thinking. 

Intuitive thinking 

The right hemisphere is associated with another way of thinking and is called intuitive. If the left hemisphere is associated with the Vishuddha Chakra (throat center), then the right hemisphere is associated with the Ajna Chakra (point between the eyebrows). The right hemisphere works faster than the left. Therefore, the consciousness of the right hemisphere people is in the future. They can “see” (feel) the events of the future and act on the basis of the information received. Such actions are reflex (a reflex is a response to an external stimulus).

Thus, right-brained people act effectively, but outside of logic. If logical thinking is based on past events, then intuitive thinking is based on the future ones. A person with right-brain thinking does not think or analyze the situation, but immediately acts on the basis of the consequences of his actions. In addition, if the left hemisphere is the base of consciousness of “I”, then the right one contains past incarnations (Allies), “not I”. For right-brained people, the source of motivation for behavior is often such an Ally. That is, behavior is formed not by a current personality known to us, but by a consciousness completely unknown to us, formed in the distant past.


We are accustomed to the fact that person’s consciousness is connected with his age. The older the person is (up to a certain age), the smarter he is and the more he knows. This assumption comes from the fact that the person receives information and accumulates experience all his life. Hence the power of the elders as having more experience.

However, person’s life experience is connected with the existing civilization. That is, the picture of the world among people living in the ecumene (civilized world) is the same. If we assume the presence of a person with “Full” consciousness, then we can assume that the picture of the world of such a person (whose real age is thousands of years old) will be completely different. It can be assumed that he remembers his life during the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization. Such a person has knowledge of technologies that modern civilization has yet to discover.

Thus, the advanced level of modern science in the eyes of such people corresponds to the Stone Age. Therefore, esoteric knowledge looks like unfounded fantasies to scientists, and modern scientific theories for esotericists are the product of troglodyte thinking. At the same time, scientists declare magic a pseudoscience and a phenomenon of primitive thinking, and magicians ( occultists) calmly go about their business, devoting no more time to proofs than biologists studying monkeys and spending time explaining their actions to them.

It can be imagined that in addition to the usual human (exoteric) society, there is also an esoteric society consisting of magicians.  Members of this secret, or internal society use a different picture of the world. These people have the ability to magical vision and the ability to magical effects.

If ordinary people are divided into three castes: 

1) workers;

2) merchants;

3) warriors;

then magicians (fourth caste) are divided into four levels:

 1) psychics;

2) healers;

3) alchemists;

4) demiurges.

At each next level, magicians receive special abilities that allow them to survive in ordinary society (among the profane). So, psychics can search (including treasures) and diagnose diseases; healers – successfully treat various diseases. Alchemists are able to transform inanimate matter, demiurges are able to materialize thought forms. These abilities allow a small society of magicians (esoteric society) to survive in a large human society (exoteric).